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Fiction and Non-Fiction Reading Skills, Comprehension and Vocabulary Foldables

My students love these foldables because we complete them over a series of days. Some of it we complete together and some they finish on their own. The foldables aid students in pausing and reflecting on their reading and a deeper understanding of their passage.



My students love these foldables because we complete them over a series of days. Some of it we complete together and some they finish on their own. The foldables aid students in pausing and reflecting on their reading and a deeper understanding of their passage.

Table of Contents:

1- cover

2- Teacher Tips

3-6 -Fiction Foldable (blue or black and white)

7-10 Non-Fiction Foldable (yellow or black and white

11 Credits Page

****Fiction foldable includes

Story elements including problem/solution, author’s purpose, predictions, genre, making connections, and I wonder statements (asking and answering questions to demonstrate understanding), and vocabulary synonyms or pictures and definitions

CCSS addressed: L3.4d, RL3.1, RL3.2 and RL3.7

****Nonfiction foldable includes

3 facts that support the main idea, elements of nonfiction (caption, heading, graphs), summarizing in 3 words and why you picked those words, explaining why the story is nonfiction (genre), and vocabulary synonyms or pictures and definitions

CCSS addressed: L3.4d, RI3.1, RI3.2 and RI3.7


You may also be interested in:

Close Reading – Coding the Text – Reading Comprehension iPhones.

Story Elements Super Simple Summary.

Vocabulary Graphic Organizer – 4 words per page.


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Copyright ©Amber from TGIF

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

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