Map Skills, Latitude and Longitude, Grid Maps, Writing your address, Directions, and more – all of these concepts are covered in this fully DIGITAL Google Slides and Google Forms mini-unit for your Google Classroom.
Have a great time with your class (in class or remote) learning about the compass rose, writing their address, latitude and longitude, grid maps, and map making while being a pirate.
Here is what is included in the Digital Pirate Map Skills pack:
Google Slides to introduce and (at the end) review each concept. (16 slides)
*Address writing, grid maps, latitude and longitude, Prime Meridian and Equator
These 16 Google Slides include:
2 Google Forms that complement the Google Slides activities – automatically graded
Final Test in Google Forms (31 questions) – automatically graded
Answer Keys for the centers, worksheets, and final test.
You may be interested in these other great social studies resources.
Continent Report Poster Template
Map Skills – Directions Continents Oceans Hemispheres
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