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Monuments and Landmarks Reports

This Monuments and Landmarks Poster makes a great display after your students read about and research monuments and landmarks nonfiction. This template is the perfect project, and it is a great organizer for their research project. The report is two pages long and makes for an easy, yet bold display. A rubric is included for easy grading.



This Monuments and Landmarks Poster makes a great display after your students read about and research monuments and landmarks nonfiction. This template is the perfect project, and it is a great organizer for their research project. The report is two pages long and makes for an easy, yet bold display. A rubric is included for easy grading.

First Page



Dates of Construction?

Snapshot of Monument or Landmark

Cite Resources

Second Page

Size? Measurements?

Three Special Features?

Two other interesting facts?


How was it made?

Who does it honor or represent?

Third Page


Lined and unlined versions are included, plus a recommended time line/lesson plan. Each page is in black and white with lots of borders for the students to add color to the project. A rubric is also included for easy grading.

Common Core ELA Standards: RI.3.2, W.3.7, W.3.8


Other poster templates I have available are:

State Report Poster Template – works for any U.S. state

Continent Report Poster Template

U.S. Region Report Poster Template

Country Report Poster Template

Biography Report Template.


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Copyright ©Amber from TGIF

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.