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Number Sense

Number sense is crucial to students becoming fluent mathematicians. Students need a good grasp on strategies when counting, estimating, measuring, adding/subtracting, and multiplying/dividing. Without number sense fluency, students struggle with all math concepts.



Number sense is crucial to students becoming fluent mathematicians. Students need a good grasp on strategies when counting, estimating, measuring, adding/subtracting, and multiplying/dividing. Without number sense fluency, students struggle with all math concepts.

These two activities (Race to 100 and Place Value Pentominoes) will help your students gain number sense fluency.

Race to 100 pits two players against each other to be the first to move to 100 on the number chart. Students will take turns drawing cards (included) to add one, add ten, subtract one or subtract ten to their current place on the chart.

Place Value Pentominoes can be completed individually or as partners. These Pentominoe Puzzles help students become familiar with place value, ten more/less, one more/less and number patterns up to 120. For those that struggle, these puzzles can help their number fluency with repeated practice. There are three different levels for differentiation (or do what I do and put all 3 puzzles in your centers).

This resource is also included in this bundle ….

3rd Grade Math Centers, Games and Activities HUGE Bundle ⭐ 30% off


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