Grab a sample of my math facts tents for FREE.

Splish-Splash, It's a Summertime Blog Bash

Summer is … (this close) … for me!  Just a few more days and then I can let my teaching mind relax for a bit.  

I am SUPER excited to be participating in my very first blog hop – Splish-Splash It’s a Summer Time Blog Bash!  I have had the opportunity to work together with almost 50 teachers!  That means you will have the opportunity to get almost 50 FREE teaching resources AND almost 50 opportunities to WIN a teaching resource on these amazing teacher’s blogs.   Check out my Blog Bash freebie and awesome giveaway (there are 4 ways to enter) and then click the next blog button at the bottom to get another freebie and enter another giveaway.  Keep on hoppin’ till you get back to my blog and you’ll know you’ve competed the whole hop! 

Since the temperature is getting hotter and hotter here in my part of the world, I want to give you a way to cool your students down while they are still practicing much needed concepts this summer.

 Swim on over to my TpT store and snag this limited time freebie.  It is free for this week only (May 25-29, 2015).  Make sure and grab it now before our Blog Bash is over.  

Enter the Rafflecopter below to win this Ordering Fractions Game with Cards  + ANY resource from my store of your choice!!!!! 

You could win two resources to help make your last few days of school a little easier!  Take advantage of all the entries to better your chances of winning.

Congratulations to the winner:  Claire McCarthy

a Rafflecopter giveaway

These are pictures of my family and what our life REALLY looks like.  We have been blessed to have visited Disney (but we WANT to go back) and go swimming.  Mostly though, our summers just consist of cleaning the house and catching up on all the things that get neglected during the school year.  We finally really clean our bedrooms and search for those missing socks.  We clean the garage for my husband every Father’s Day (and I mean clean as in pressure washer clean).  

And …… like all of you incredible teachers out there, I spend a lot of my summer creating for the upcoming school year.  Thank you fellow teachers for all that you do every summer to prepare for your students to make the next school year even better than the last.  

Head on over to IgnitED’s blog for more freebies and giveaways.

What are your doing this summer?  (School, home or fun related)

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Thanks for popping in! I’m Amber, a veteran teacher of 21 years who now creates educational resources for upper elementary teachers to help save them time!


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