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Star Wars Theme

Recently during our standardized testing week, our school hosted a Star Wars Themed week.  There are lots of variations on the following activities, so adapt away and make it work for you.

Light Saber Bubbles

What Jedi doesn’t want a Light Saber to protect and defend?  These bubble wands are available at Wal-Mart for $3.88 for a 6 pack (65 cents each).  If you would like to order in bulk, they are available online here.  We took our students outside quite a bit because the weather was amazing!  Blowing bubbles seems like it is something that only little ones will enjoy, but our junior high students enjoyed it just as much!

Art Time!

Picture drawn by Allie
I found out about directed drawings this year and fell in love!  I am not artsy at all, so I am so ever grateful for what my students have learned about symmetry, blending techniques and perspective through Rob from Art for Kids Hub.  We chose to draw one of the latest characters from the Star Wars series, BB-8.  We drew BB-8 one day and colored him the next.  I am so proud of how well they turned out!  If you think little ones can’t follow these directions, think again.  Our Knd – 8th Graders participated in drawing.  The YouTube video by Rob of the BB-9 is here.  
Picture colored by Evan

For those that didn’t want to draw, I had coloring sheets available.  Click here for loads of free Star Wars coloring pages.  We personally chose the Star Wars Lego printable for our students to color, but there are lots to choose from.

Star Wars Dodgeball

One of our teachers, Joni,  led the kids in a Star Wars themed Dodgeball game.  The kids begged to do it again for 4 days in a row!  I have found lots of variations on this activity. but I really felt like Core of a Living Heart did a great job explaining it plainly without a lot of fuss.  You can find the Star Wars Dodgeball link here.  

One of the variations on the game we included was a Death Star.  We used a gray ball for the Death Star and if you were hit by the Death Star you were out for the game and could not be brought back into the game by the Jedi.

Image from The Star Wars Mom

Star Wars Snacks

Two teachers from our school, Shannon and Nancy, took care of snack and drinks for the week.  They did such an amazing job and do you think I took one single picture?  Of course not!  Here are a few of their ideas:
Princess Leia Buns

We used prepackaged Honey Buns from Little Debbie or from Wal-mart, but Star Wars Mom has a really cute free Princess Leia Buns printable available here.

Image from I Should Be Mopping the Floor

Jedi Juice and Wookie Water

We totally found this idea from Pinterest from Kristi at I Should Be Mopping the Floor.  She held a Star Wars themed birthday party with many of the snack and drink ideas.  Thanks Kristi!  Click here to see all of her ideas.

Padawan Potatoes

Sorry, no cute picture here, but the teachers bought prepackaged mini bags of potato chips for easy servings. This idea also came from Kristi at the link above.

Movie Time!

We concluded our week by showing a Star Wars movie in the gym on a large projector screen complete with popcorn and drinks.  There are plenty to choose from in the series (just make sure that the rating lines up with your school rules or get a special permission slip for that particular movie) and there are also Star Wars Lego movies available so you don’t have to worry about the Younglings!  
I hope this inspired you to put a spin on a Star Wars celebration in your classroom, school, or birthday party.  
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Thanks for popping in! I’m Amber, a veteran teacher of 21 years who now creates educational resources for upper elementary teachers to help save them time!


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